Join our next challenge for just $97 $47 (50% OFF) MONDAY, AUGUST 10 ONLY! Hurry... Only 100 Spots!
Jump In At This GroundBreaking Opportunity! Hurry... Only 100 14 Spots Left in Round 1!
Want to join our next challenge? All challenges are now held exclusively in our Preschool All Stars membership. Please click here to join the membership. :)
"Teach Online Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
If you want to work from home, make extra money, spend more time with your family, and fulfill your dream of teaching WITHOUT having to deal with licensing, ratios, insurance, degrees, experience, a location, startup costs, or supplies, then this challenge is for you! Lucky for you, I've helped thousands of women start their preschools and now I get to help you! Take my hand and join the challenge so I can PERSONALLY HELP YOU step by step to create an online business teaching preschool (or any other subject online) in the next 30 days!
 Click Play, Turn Sound On
UPDATE: Since filming, we have changed this from a 14-day challenge to a 30-day challenge to give you more time. Also, we have updated the prizes to make them even better! 
"Set Up Your Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,232!
"Set Up Your Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,232!
From the desk of Joy Anderson:
Dear Friend,

We find ourselves at an unprecedented moment in history.

Mothers everywhere are called home now to be with their children, and preschools worldwide have been shut down. I felt the call when this was happening to protect my current preschool owners from the situation that was developing, and I have been by their side ever since, ensuring that when this all resolves, they'll open their doors again.  
But UNTIL that happens, families everywhere still need to create income. YOU need to create income from home. Now, more than ever. Husbands are losing jobs, the family budget is being stretched, and stress is at an all-time high. I have been called to serve YOU and it is my mission to ensure YOU have an ability right now to create income, not 6 months from now when you can start your local preschool. NOW. 
Are You Starting To Feel:
  • Scared: "How am I going to pay my bills? Will my husband keep his job? What will happen if I fail? What will I do then?"
  • Like a procrastinator: "I keep trying to start, but then I get distracted. I can't seem to find the motivation to start."
  • Nervous: "What if it doesn't work out? What will everyone think when I tell them about my online preschool?"
  • Unsure of yourself: "Who would want to sign up for my online preschool? I don't think it will work for me."
  • Underpaid: "Why can't I make more? We can barely pay the bills. I should get paid what I'm worth."
  • Anxious: "I just don't know how to sign up kids into my online preschool. Every time I think about it, I freeze up."
  • Like a perfectionist: "I want my online preschool to be perfect, and I don't want to start it until it is."
  • Overwhelmed: "Every time I try to start, I just shut down. There's too much to do."
  • ​Like your hands are tied: "If I could only just teach like I want to teach... I know it will be so much better."
  • Overworked: "I just want to quit. No one appreciates me. Something's gotta change. I can't keep doing this much longer."
  • Worthless: "No one will sign up. No one believes in me. Maybe they're right... maybe I shouldn't start an online preschool."
  • Confused: "Why does it have to be so hard? Why are there so many steps? Where do I start?"
  • ​Frustrated: "I have the skills. I should be able to do this. Why can't I just commit?"
  • ​Exhausted: "I need more hours in the day. I just don't have time to do everything. I'm so tired."
  • Hopeless: "There's no end in sight. It's going to get worse, and then I don't even know how I'll get through THAT."
I hate to say it, but it's only going to get tougher until something gives.

Because every day you wake up and think, "I need to create income for my family now..." but before you know it, your own mind shuts you right back down with thoughts like, "What could I do? How can I still stay home with my kids? What if I can't make it work? How much money will I have wasted? What will my friends and family say then?"

So you go on with your day... the same routine as before... 

But with every day you get more stressed because you know it could be different. You know that if you could just follow a proven system, it could work, but you're scared to change, so with each passing day, nothing changes... except your stress level rises higher and higher.

After all, even Albert Einstein knows that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."
How Long Do You Want To Keep Feeling This Way?
It's time for a change.

You know it is. You can't keep living like this. It's killing you inside. 

How in the world do I know all this? How do I know exactly how you're feeling?

Because I've been in your shoes before. 

Hi! I'm Joy.

Ten years ago, I became a single mom overnight and had to figure out how to create a consistent, full-time income for my 3 kids. My mortgage was due in 30 days and I had no clue how I was going to pay it.

I thought my only 2 choices were to start a daycare or get a job and put my kids in daycare. But I couldn't stomach the idea of being away from my kids all day... or of being exhausted after working long 12-hour days, or of trying to work a bunch of little jobs to create a decent income...

And that's when the idea hit me: What if I started a preschool... instead of a daycare?

I was so excited, I got right to work. But I kept hitting roadblock after roadblock. I didn't know where to start, what steps to take, or in what order to take them. I was wasting my time and money left and right and spinning my wheels. I was trying everything I could to make this work.

And with each day passing, my mortgage bill loomed closer, and my hope of ever starting my preschool drifted further and further away. I thought I would have to give up my dream of staying home with my kids and go get a job.

Finally, with just one last week before my mortgage was due, my kids and I set off to deliver 4,000 flyers to my neighborhood. And within the first few hours, I got my first call: "Hi! I just got your flyer. Do you have any spots left?" 

And the phone didn't stop ringing until all my spots were full and I was able to pay my mortgage the very next week. 

After starting my preschool, I spent the next 10 years pouring my heart and soul into my preschool to make it the very best I could. As a result, I grew my little home preschool into multiple locations, hired 50+ teachers, taught 1,000+ students, and made $1.75 million during the ten years I owned it. (I even sold my preschool last year!) 

Those numbers still blow me away. After all... I was just a single mom who had a dream to stay home with her kids...

And during the past 10 years, I've been on a mission to teach as many women as possible that they CAN STAY HOME with their children and STILL CREATE A CONSISTENT INCOME, all while doing what they love: TEACHING CHILDREN!

Through my step-by-step training systems, I've been blessed to help thousands of women across the world start and grow their own preschools with my proven systems. And now it's my turn to help you!

No matter if it's a local preschool -or- an online preschool business, I have seen it ALL. I have helped thousands of preschool business owners get through every difficult stage of their business, and helping you to create a successful online preschool business will be no different. 

I'm a BULLDOG when I see a problem. I see it, and I have to tackle it head on until I figure out the simplest way for YOU to do it on your own. And now, I see you. I see this massive problem. And I'm here to solve it for you. Through my step-by-step trainings and done-for-you files, I've ALWAYS provided an exceptional level of value and service to everyone who goes through my trainings.
But How Will An Online Preschool Work?
"Set Up Your Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,232!
Before we go any further, let's just clear the air for a quick second. 

After having helped thousands of women, I've heard just about every "excuse" in the book about why someone thinks an online preschool won't work for them. These reasons below might even be the exact same things that are running through YOUR head right now. 

So I wanted to make sure that we debunked a few of the myths that might hold you back. After all, I much prefer TRUTH to FICTION, don't you? ;-)
"People won't want to pay for preschool when they can get it for free online."
  • "Why would someone pay for my online preschool when they can just use Hooked on Phonics or ABC Mouse?"
    The truth is, the people that use Hooked on Phonics, ABC Mouse, or any other "educational" video games are not your target market. Your target market feels guilty for letting their kids waste their minds away on apps. They know these “educational” video games don’t deliver a TRUE preschool experience to their child to prepare their whole child for kindergarten socially, emotionally, physically, linguistically, and cognitively. That’s why they chose local preschools in the first place, because they place a high value in having a teacher TEACH their child, prepare them for kindergarten with a PLAY-BASED, DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE CURRICULUM, and help their child MAKE FRIENDS with children their own age. Those apps don't do any of those 3 things... but your online preschool will!
  • ​"Everyone is losing their jobs. We're in a recession. No one will pay for my preschool."
    The truth is, there are plenty of people who are financially stable right now, and will continue to be throughout this. You're no longer limited to just finding people locally... you have the entire world to market to and find your premier preschool families. Even if the people in your circles are struggling financially, trust me, there are plenty of other circles that are doing just fine financially and are eagerly hoping someone will create a solution to teach their child again. They paid a premium amount for it locally... they'll pay a premium amount for it online as well. Not to mention, there's plenty of people who will pay to get a break from their preschoolers for an hour every day so they can work from home. Just sayin ;-)
"Online preschool won't work because they can't 'play' or concentrate that long."
  • "You can't recreate a local preschool experience online."
    The truth is, with our proprietary "Teaching Time" and "Preschool Pals" classes, your preschoolers will be able to do online many of the same things they do in a local preschool, including following directions from a teacher; building their social, emotional, physical, language, and cognitive skills through play; and making friends! Teach Online Preschool recreates those 3 core components of a local preschool within (2) 30-minute preschool classes every morning and afternoon. Parents can choose between a T_TH, M_W_F, or M-F class schedule that you create.
  • ​"Preschoolers can't stay engaged during an online class. They'll be antsy and cause a disruption."
    The truth is, they won't disrupt anyone because they'll be highly engaged and their audio will be muted during the class. In the morning "Teaching Time" class, you’ll teach a live or pre-recorded lesson full of stories, music, movement, arts and crafts, and science projects in a whole group instruction manner to help the preschoolers learn through play. You can teach as many of these 30-minute classes as you like to fit within your schedule, but generally just one class in the morning is all you need because it holds up to 100 students. You can make anywhere from $4,000-$10,000 with just one morning class and you can scale the business to as many students and as much income as you like. You don’t even have to teach the morning class if you don’t want to. You can hire a teacher to do it and just pay the teacher for each class they teach!
  • "Preschoolers can't socialize online."
    The truth is, they can socialize any time they are around peers their own age face to face, including online. Our afternoon "Preschool Pals" class is an optional one; you don’t have to choose to do it, but we’ll teach you how to do it in case you choose it (because we think it's really cool, and so will your preschool parents!) In the afternoon, you’ll meet again with the same students you taught in the morning, this time in smaller groups of just 10 students for 30 minutes each. They’ll log into a virtual classroom so they can see and talk to each other and you. You can offer several “prompts” which we provide and call on the children to answer. Preschool Pals is all about helping children to socialize, so a lot of these prompts get the children talking to each other and not just you. They can see each other on the computer screen and get super excited to go to Preschool Pals and see their friends! The afternoon classes will follow the same schedule the parents chose for their online preschool program of T_TH, M_W_F, or M-F. 
"I don't think I can do all that's required for an online preschool."
  • "I'm not techy at all. It seems complicated. I don't think I can figure this out."
    The truth is, I am actually going through every step WITH YOU during the course. I am literally recording my computer screen so you can watch every click I make to show you how to do it! If you can click a mouse, you can do this! Also, we're using the easiest software on the planet for your online preschool "classes." (Best of all? It's FREE!) You'll do the steps, one at a time, over 30 days so you don't get overwhelmed. It's pretty much the easiest thing you could do! (No tech experience needed, although of course you DO need a computer and internet.) Oh and guess what? I even recorded ALL your training videos and FAQ docs you need to give to your preschool parents so THEY can log in super easy without you having to teach them how! You're welcome. ;-)
  • ​"What about licensing, supplies, and startup costs?"
    The truth is, when you teach online preschool, you don't have to worry about any of that stuff! Truly, ANYONE can do it -if- they are loving to children, are committed to teaching developmentally appropriate practice, will follow my instructions, and don't give up. With the online world, there's no licensing process, no degrees required, no experience needed, no location required, no supplies to buy, and no startup costs to worry about. If you've been trying to start your preschool for a while, then you know how much FREEDOM you'll feel when you don't have to deal with all those things, huh? ^^ This is literally a PLUG AND PLAY done-for-you course for you to follow step by step and get results! 
  • "How will this fit into my schedule? I'm not sure if I can teach LIVE (or even at all)."
    The truth is, you create the schedule that works best for you! We get it. You have a busy life already - full of (now) homeschooling and other demands. You can schedule it around your family's schedule (think baby's nap time or before morning homeschool) and you can either teach LIVE or pre-recorded (we teach you how to do it both ways! You can even film your class at night and have it ready for the next day) And if you don't want to teach at ALL... Then you can simply run this as a business, pocket most of the cash, and pay a mom to teach the preschool classes for you in the comfort of her own home! Need a teacher? Oh my gosh just ASK we have a zillion! ;-)
Now, What If I Created A Challenge That...
  • Focused an entire day on helping you overcome your fears... so that you actually believed in yourself. 
  • ​Bundled up 5+ hours of video training and checklists that walked you step by step until you had your online preschool business set up.
  • Gave you a free 30-day membership to my amazing private Facebook group, Preschool All Stars, so you could be held accountable for your progress through the challenge and get MY PERSONAL HELP as you went through it.
  • ​Gave away INSANE PRIZES (like a Preschool in a Box!) to those who actually DID their homework during the challenge.
  • Gave you access to my personal network of preschool owners so they could motivate you on your journey​.
  • ​Had you post all your questions in the group so I could go LIVE and answer them every week.
  • ​Showed you how I structure my class times to teach online preschool so you can see it's not hard to do!
  • ​And most importantly... Was available to you for under $100 $50?
"That's EXACTLY what I'll do!" I thought! 

That's why I created this challenge. It's one of the best ways I know of to get you started on the right track... because I'm helping you follow a proven, step-by-step system to get you to your destination! (And you have my help along the way!)

And of course, if you find success with me during these 30 days and like how I teach...

Then I'd love for you to continue on with me by buying future courses from me. 

You see... it's a win-win! ;-)
With My Step-by-Step Video Training and 
Workbook Activities During Your Challenge, 
You'll Learn How To Quickly and Easily...
  • Overcome your fears and believe you can do this!
  • ​Set up your business (never done the "business side"? I got ya - every step is covered from registering your biz name to setting up your domain and more!)
  • ​Create all your social media profiles for online domination!
  • ​Set your business up on autopilot so your website WORKS round the clock to bring you sign ups & money!
  • ​Position yourself as the premium online preschool
    (YES people will pay top dollar for your program!)
  • ​Structure your classes so kids pay attention, don't get bored, and don't act out!
  • ​Figure out how much you should charge and when the best times are to teach!
  • ​Set up your online preschool without needing any tech skills or feeling confused (watch my step by step videos and click what I click!)
  • ​Use proven curriculum to teach your online class in a hands-on, engaging way!
  • ​Use the 4 magic words in all your ads to sign up students instantly!
  • ​Where to place all your advertisements (this is completely different from local preschool marketing!)
  • ​Change your mindset from "no one will pay" to "oh my gosh they're paying!!" 
  • ​Discover the 3 things you MUST have for this to work! (Ok I'll tell ya - a computer, internet, and a WALL haha!)
  • ​Teach online preschool by watching me & my friend teach online preschool!
  • ​Hire preschool teachers if you want (and find out how much to pay them!)
  • Find your target market that WANTS your online preschool NOW!
  • ​Set up recurring billing so you never have to worry about asking parents for tuition again!
  • ​Get your online preschool software set up in just 5 minutes - YES. 5 minutes! (Oh - and remember... it's FREE!)
  • Get parents to sign up without them ever even talking to you!
  • ​Get your website set up in just 30 minutes with done-for-you text & pictures!
  • ​Set yourself apart from cheap "educational'" video games and stand out as THE preschool place to be!
  • Open your eyes that there are people who are totally fine financially... and start attracting them!
  • Teach an online preschool class with just 5 minutes prep time!
  • Turn your "wall" into a "preschool room" & get the only supplies you need ALL YEAR for less than $10!
  • ​Manage any task like the awesome BOSS that you are!
  • ​Grow your online preschool as BIG as you want it to be!
And so much more!
Here's Everything You'll Get When You Join!
14 Challenge Checklists
($97 Value!)
You're going to love my challenge training videos, and these challenge checklists will ensure you don't miss a step along the way! Simply do one step, then the next, and you'll find yourself with a finished online preschool program by the end of our 14-day challenge! I couldn't make things any simpler for you!
3rd Place ($997 Value)
Starting a preschool is hard work, but with the Girl, You Got This! Box, you’ll gain the confidence, courage, and motivation you need to do hard things! Inside the custom box (that will be shipped to you), you’ll get a Stronger Together coffee mug and a 400-pg. book filled with 20 inspiring stories sure to light a fire under you. You’ll also receive digital access to the 20 speaker interviews and their bonuses! With this kind of motivation, you're sure to be successful!

As If That Wasn't Enough, There Are Prizes! Woohoo!

By participating in the challenge, you'll be eligible to win one of the following INSANE PRIZES! 

3rd Place ($997 Value)
Starting a preschool is hard work, but with the Girl, You Got This! Box, you’ll gain the confidence, courage, and motivation you need to do hard things! Inside the custom box (that will be shipped to you), you’ll get a Stronger Together coffee mug and a 400-pg. book filled with 20 inspiring stories sure to light a fire under you. You’ll also receive digital access to the 20 speaker interviews and their bonuses! With this kind of motivation, you're sure to be successful!

"Set Up Your Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,232!
What You're Gonna Get...
"Teach Online Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,226!
$97 $47
When You Complete The Challenge, You Will...
  • Have your entire online preschool business set up.
  • ​Finally be able to create income at home for your family
  • Feel proud of yourself that you completed your tasks and found success.
  • Have a proven business model that will create a consistent income.
  • ​Take the leap and leave your full-time job.
  • ​Be able to stay home with your children and spend more time with your family
  • ​Finally be able to get back to what you love: TEACHING!
  • ​Make a difference in children's lives with your new preschool.
When You Complete The Challenge, You Will...
  • Have your entire preschool business set up.
  • Feel proud of yourself that you completed your tasks and found success.
  • Have a proven business model that will create a consistent income.
  • ​Take the leap and leave your full-time job.
  • ​Be able to stay home with your children and keep them out of daycare.
  • ​Finally be able to get back to what you love: TEACHING!
  • ​Make a difference in children's lives with your new preschool.
  • ​Find a new-found energy and passion to start your preschool THIS YEAR.
This Challenge Gives You The Confidence 
And Knowledge To Be Successful! 
Check Out What Everyone Is Saying!
These challengers didn't have a preschool and quickly created an online preschool!
Kristen signed up 7 online students in 1 day!
Safaa enrolled 71 kids in online Arabic classes!
Thakore enrolled 20+ preschoolers online!
Paula's 10-year dream finally came true!
Terrica started teaching art classes online!
Beth started teaching sign language online!
These challengers had a local preschool and quickly transitioned it to online! 
Anita teaches 45 students online!
Sam teaches 100+ students online!
Becki teaches 40+ students online!
Rita teaches 18 students online!
Frequently Asked Questions
  • How do I get access to the 30-Day Challenge? 
    After you complete your order, you'll be taken to your Digital Dashboard where you can immediately join our private Facebook group: Preschool All Stars. Then come say hi and introduce yourself! 

  • ​When does the challenge start?
    The challenge starts Monday, but you'll get immediate access to the challenge materials and private Facebook group when you join.

  • ​How are the challenge prizes awarded?
    We'll explain that all in the private Facebook group.

  • ​What if I don't want to start my online preschool in 30 days? Should I still join the challenge?
    Yes, still join the challenge. I will help you set up your online preschool in 30 days, but that doesn't mean you have to start right after. You can start later any time you're ready! And as our challenges only open a few times each year, it's crucial for you to join the challenge NOW while it's available. 

  • ​Will I be able to access my challenge materials after the challenge is over? Absolutely! We know that sometimes life happens and you might get a little behind, or you might want to review the materials at a later date. You'll always have digital access to your challenge materials.

  • ​I see that I get a free 30-day trial to "Preschool All Stars." What should I do if I want to cancel?
    Yes, we give you a free 30-day trial to my private Facebook group because I know you need it to be successful, and it's the place where I'm able to answer your questions. After your free 30-day trial, you'll continue on at just $57/mo. so I can continue to support you. You can cancel at anytime by simply emailing and we will cancel your membership - no questions asked. :)

  • What if I don't finish it in 30 days?
    You'll get access to your challenge materials forever, so you can do it in your own time.

  • Will I be overwhelmed by getting 2 challenges at once?
    No. The challenges are designed to layer on top of each other. It's not more work... just different work and helps you to gain confidence in your marketing as you go along.

  • What if I already have your website templates from Preschool in a Box?
    This is a completely different website template, specific to our online preschool model. You can simply add this template into your ClickFunnels account!
  • Have a question not answered here?
    Email us at :)

  • Alright Joy, I'm ready to join the challenge!!! What do I do now?
    Hurry... there's only 100 spots! You're going to love it! Simply click below on the "JOIN NOW!" button so you can fill out the order form. On the next page, you'll get immediate access to our Facebook group! See you inside!
"Teach Online Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,226!
$97 $47
This Challenge Gives You The Confidence 
And Knowledge To Be Successful! 
Look At These Results...
"Teach Online Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,226!
$97 $47
Time is of the essence...
Here’s why…

I can't have a zillion people flood into my private Facebook group. I want to be able to support you, after all. I'm limiting this challenge to just 100 people at a time so I can make sure I can answer everyone's questions.

If this page is still here, then I still have a spot for you. But this offer could disappear at any time.
Here is my "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I 100% guarantee that you will love everything you're going to get in this challenge. If for any reason you don't feel that you got more than your money's worth, then just email my support team within 30 days of starting the challenge at and I’ll give you back your money, no questions asked. 

I'm positive you'll love it, though, because I ALWAYS over deliver, and this challenge is no different. It's just one more way I'm going above and beyond to help you find success. 

Sound fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Join the Challenge Before All The Spots Are Gone…
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I can't wait to see you inside the challenge! You're just one step away from staying home with your kids, creating a consistent income, and making a difference in children's lives! Pretty soon I'll be sharing YOUR success story here!

Joy Anderson 
PS: In case you just skipped to the bottom of the letter, here's the deal:

When you join the "Teach Online Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge today, you get immediate digital access to your challenge materials, which include over 5 hours of challenge training videos, challenge checklists, a free 30-day trial into my private Facebook group (Preschool All Stars) where you'll find support and cheerleading from me and my network of preschool owners, done-for-you Money Making Website Template, Complete Online Preschool Forms Toolkit, List of 10 Businesses to Teach Online, Watch Us Teach Online Preschool videos, and Online Preschool Parent Training Videos & FAQs.

After your free 30-day trial, you'll continue to enjoy our support inside the Preschool All Stars Facebook group for just $47/mo. Cancel anytime by contacting

You'll also be eligible to win one of our 2 out-of-this-world prizes during the challenge!

This challenge is for any woman who needs help with the confidence, courage, motivation, and knowledge necessary to set up her online preschool. Lucky for you, I've helped thousands of women start their preschools... now I get to help you! And you'll get all this for only $47. That's it!

I only have 100 spots available for this challenge, though, so hurry and click the "JOIN NOW" button below right now to get started! 
Want to join our next challenge? All challenges are now held exclusively in our Preschool All Stars membership. Please click here to join the membership. :)
"Teach Online Preschool in 30 Days" Challenge
TOTAL VALUE: $1,226!
$97 $47
© Preschool System - All Rights Reserved